(Click to enlarge photo)
CZ P-01 9mm pistol pictured with two targets. Top: The P-01 put 15 rounds into this small target at 21 feet. The bottom target absorbed 35 rounds at 40 feet.
Also pictured is a Mel Pardue folding knife featuring a Damascus steel blade, bonze sunburst bolsters and carved buffalo horn handles.
Last week I wrote about the Compact CZ-75 D PCR. This week I fired the Compact PCR's cousin, the P-01. The P-01 was selected by NATO for it's forces carrying a 9mm pistol. The P-01 is the same frame size and weight as the CZ 75D PCR and likewise has a capacity of 14 + 1. Like most all standard CZ pistols, the P-01 is double action only for the first shot and single action thereafter. The differences between the P-01 and the 75 D PCR are few:
1. The P-01 has standard CZ 3-dot sights instead of the low profile rear sight on the 75 D PCR. The results here are neutral. I cannot determine an advantage to either sighting system. Both types of rear sights are drift-adjustable for windage.
2. The P-01 has an under-rail allowing you to attach a light or laser sight. The rail also has the effect of providing a little more perceived forward balance and I think this is a good thing.
3. The P-01 has a set of forward cocking serrations which again is a neutral feature for me. I have rarely utilized the forward cocking feature.
4. Trigger pull. The double action trigger pull on the P-01 is a little heavy and gritty. Internet reports state that, with the advent of the P-01, CZ stopped hand fitting the trigger system. Regardless, the trigger can be "shot in". After about 1,000 rounds the double action trigger action pull has smoothed out and has lightened comparably to the CZ 75 D PCR.
Like the D PCR, the grips are contoured rubber and fit my hand remarkable well. There is no need to look for aftermarket replacements unless you are looking for something more visually appealing.
The accuracy of the P-01 is first rate, as has been with any CZ I have every handled. I like these compact pistols and want to add a caliber .40 S&W to the my stable of Cech firearms.