The advent of a War always brings about new technology. Afterall, war is a very violent form of competition and out of competition comes ingenuity, innovation, and achievement. It is no surprise then that the "bar has been raised" for "State of the Art" close quarter combat technologies in the last 16 years. Two Gulf Wars have seen the enhancement of missle and bombing delivery systems but little news has trickled out about advancements in hand-held anti-personnel arms. Last week I was priviledged to attend a hush-hush training session in Southern California which gave me a strong glimpse at what the wizards of weaponry have been working on.
Advanced Laser Technology:
Because of it's precise properties Laser Beam technology has been used in everything from presentation pointers, to carpenter's levels, to advanced sighting systems for handguns, rifles, and missle systems. The thought of the Laser as a weapon has been a sci-fi staple since Flash Gordon was first issued his "Ray Gun" all the way to the light sabers used in "Star Wars". However, the fantasy is now a devastating reality.
Our instruction on the new weapons system was very basic and, quite frankly, there was not much need to over complicate matters. The military has long been looking for ways to simplify small arms training and, as seen in the Manual of Arms below, this has been achieved with astounding success:
Now I fully understand the necessity of keeping things simple, but I do balk at the moniker of "Astro Blaster" which the military has bestowed upon this new weapon. I just feel that this has "dumbed down" the training concept a little too far. Although, with the military's penchant for acronyms "ASTRO" actually might stand for some long-winded military title like "Advanced Systems To Reduce Opposition"...or something along those lines. After going over the printed manual, a brief indoctrination was given by one of the instructors and then it was off to the combat range to begin the training. The instruction session was hardly necessary as this is an instinctive point and shoot weapon with no safeties or other external controls with which to contend. My youngest daughter accompanied me on this trip and she had absolutely no problem with the "Astro Blaster" in terms of operation or recoil.
It would be appropriate at this point to discuss what I liked and disliked about this weapon. The Blaster's exterior components are made of polymer, which I normally do not like, however the polymer construction has certainly made this a light-weight weapon.

Overall the Blaster has great potential, but could stand further refinement in terms of sighting and the trigger. As I said earlier, my daughter had no problems with it...although I smoked her in competition.